Studio Values: Connection

Kindermusik at Song of the Heart Studios is SO MUCH more than just music classes for children.

Parents come to us wanting to have fun with their kids. They are looking for an activity, or enrichment. Many parents come with the goal of quality, developmentally appropriate, formal music instruction.

And yes! We provide all of that. But there’s more.

Many parents come to Kindermusik not knowing much about it, but come away from class with a better understanding of their child. Perhaps they gain insights into child development. Sometimes they walk away with parenting tips and tools for self and co-regulation.

Other times parents leave class just feeling good! And that’s all down to the CONNECTION they feel.

CONNECTION is one of our guiding studio values. It’s a core tenet of what we believe and why we do what we do.

Our goal is to build connection between you and your child, between your child and their educator, between children, and between caregivers. We want to create a community where you can come and feel safe and like you belong. Because you do!

Humanity needs connection more now than ever before. We are divided by ideologies, politics, borders, and more. Social media has been a great tool of connection for some but also, ironically, a tool that has disconnected many others from true community, as they grow addicted to the technology.

Covid further separated us, and now, four years on, we are only beginning to understand the costs to all of us, and our children, from that social isolation. There is simply no replacement for in-person, uplifting, joyful human connection.

And that’s what we bring to you. Thanks for being here!

Holiday Music and Celebrating Diversity

The holiday season is a time when diverse cultures and traditions can come together, creating a beautiful tapestry of music and celebration. From Hanukkah songs, from Kwanzaa rhythms to Diwali melodies, there is a rich variety of musical traditions during this time of year.

One fascinating aspect of multicultural musical traditions is how they reflect the unique customs and beliefs of different communities. Christmas carols like “Silent Night” and “Jingle Bells” have become beloved classics for many. Perhaps you have recently enjoyed Hanukkah songs like “Ma’oz Tzur” and “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” to celebrate the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Kwanzaa, a celebration of African heritage, is accompanied by vibrant drumming and singing, reflecting the spirit of unity and community. Perhaps you can find a celebration coming up near you to experience that energy first-hand. While a month ago, Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, was marked by joyful music and dance performances, such as the traditional Garba and Bhangra.

Exploring these multicultural musical traditions not only allows us to appreciate the beauty of different cultures, but also fosters understanding and respect among diverse communities. It’s a reminder that while our customs may differ, music has the power to bring us all together.

So whether you’re listening to familiar holiday tunes or discovering new melodies from around the world, embrace the multicultural musical traditions of this season. Let the joyous sounds fill your heart and inspire you to celebrate the diversity that makes our world so beautiful.

Music has a way of transcending boundaries and connecting us all. We hope you can share the magic of multicultural musical tradition with your children, your family, your community, and communities outside of your own. We can use music as a tool of connection and understanding as we look outside our own traditions and learn to values those of others.

Class – Community – Connection

We have a goal for our families and every child that walks into our studio: to feel safe and to feel loved. Brain and behavior scientists have demonstrated that until a person feels safe and loved they cannot learn. Learning and growth require us to be in the executive functioning level of our brain. And we can’t get there unless are regulated and secure. So the first order of business in any class should be making people feel safe and loved.

There are a variety of routines and rituals in our studio that seeks to accomplish this. The routines of putting your shoes in the lobby and coming into gathering time help develop a predictability and security. The hello song names each child individually and bonds the class together as a group. This helps develop a sense of community and appreciation in your child. And that’s just at the beginning of class! There are so many more moments that follow that build that sense of safety and love.

We all have a basic human need for connection. It is connection to our loved ones that makes us feel secure and gives us a sense of home. It is connection to our friends that adds depth and joy to our lives. It is connection to our community that can give us a sense of belonging and a place to give of our talents.

Our Kindermusik community is one space where you can come for connection. We hope that YOU feel welcome and safe in our studio as well as your child. If you attend class with your child we invite you to reach out and get to know the other caretakers in the room. We ask that you sing along with your educator, as making music together can help the class feel bonded together. Your educator brings joy, preparedness, music, dance, instruments, and props to class. But you bring something too: YOU. Your talents, abilities, attitude, and participation can add so much to the feeling in the classroom, and we invite you to help us make it a special place.

When we all feel connection we lift each other up and can make each class a truly joyful, magical experience. Thank you for being a part of it!


Sharing and Showing: It’s All About Connection

Some caregivers are hesitant to let their child step up from Little Learners to Little Music Makers. We get it! You don’t want to miss out on the beautiful experience you have with your little one in class each week. You can to continue to be their partner and witness the joy they express at Kindermusik. But have no fear! Our drop-off classes still provide opportunity for you to partner and connect with your child.

The last few minutes of every Little Music Makers class, that’s Levels 3-5, include Sharing Time. This is when you join your child in class to learn about what they did that day. Every sharing time begins with some physical touch, eye contact, and an expression of gratitude from your child to you. This sets the tone for reconnection after your hour apart.

Then your child gets to show off a little to you about what they learned and what skill they developed. Not only do you get to hear about what musical concepts and vocabulary they learned, not only do you get to see and listen to the new instrument they explored, but you also get to share in a “connection activity.”

This is a carefully chosen activity specifically designed to promote connection and bonding between you and your little music maker. It might be an instrument play. It might be a creative movement activity. It might be witnessing your child’s mini-performance of a new  poem or song. It is a chance for you to validate them, show them your enthusiasm for their music learning journey, and to joyfully connect with them.

Sometimes, however, Sharing Time can be a moment of stress for parent and child. Your little music maker has learned routines and expectations and behaved beautifully in class. Your child’s educator is a master at classroom management, understanding that all behavior is communication, and can skillfully redirect any challenging behaviors your child might exhibit during class.

And then you enter the room and suddenly your child might be crawling up the walls, refusing to focus, and is disruptive to the rest of the class. Have no fear! This is normal for some children. The transition from the leadership of their educator to the return to their parent can be jarring and some children don’t yet have the skill to handle that transfer calmly.

If that is your child, just be patient. Trust the process. Talk to them before class about your expectations for when you enter the studio. Tell them beforehand that even though you’re there to watch them and pick them up, you still want them to listen to their teacher for a few more minutes. It will take some children more time than others to learn how to handle this transition gracefully. Some will take a few weeks. Some might take all year. But that’s what this process is all about: growth. 

So next time you come to Sharing Time, prepare to breathe it all in . . . and love it all out. Connect, witness the growth of your child, and share together in the joy of music making.

Cuddles & Stars

Our Little Learner classes ALWAYS include some cuddle time, with dimmed lights, and colorful “stars” on the ceiling. It’s a beautiful time to slow down and focus on the connection you’ve built with your child over the previous 30 minutes or so.

The benefits of cuddle time include giving both you and your child a flood of feel-good hormones, what Conscious Discipline calls “Joy Juice.” This hormonal cocktail is what calms your brain & nervous system, promotes bonding, and just makes you feel good.

Oxytocin is the “love” hormone, and it is produced when you engage in safe and loving touch with a loved one. It can be hugging, rocking, breast feeding, butterfly kisses, an I Love You Ritual, or our musical cuddle time. Any time you focus on and touch someone lovingly you this hormone bathes your brain. This love hormone also measurably decreases stress and cortisol levels in your body. It also has been proven to decrease the perception of physical pain.

Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?

This beautiful moment is often a favorite but can also be stressful for some parents. Maybe your child doesn’t calm easily. Maybe they are roaming about the room and vocalizing in loud tones. Maybe they don’t want to lie down, be held, and rocked gently to the music.

That’s okay too! Just by modeling relaxation for your child, they will receive benefit from this activity. Relaxation is a learned skill, and not one that always comes naturally to a toddler. So as you relax, breathe deeply, and calm your nervous system, so too can your child learn to as well.

So next time you come to a Little Learner class, lean in to this moment. Don’t let cuddle time just pass by without thinking about its intention and benefit. Engage in the I Love You Ritual that precedes cuddle time. Help establish a sense of calm and rest in the class by participating in the deep breathing and creating a “hush”. These cues will come to trigger a  calm response in both yourself and your child. Then you can fully connect and enjoy the two minutes you have to simply be with your child.

Bouncin’ Babies!

First comes Brain Gym.
Then comes Hello Song.
Then comes the LAP BOUNCE.

Every Little Learner’s class (those are our baby and toddler classes) has a lap bounce near the beginning. After our “activity to reduce stress” (Brain Gym) and our  “activity to connect” (the Hello song) we have our lap bounce.

This is always a sweet, fun, and short activity. It is an opportunity for you to trigger the giggles. If it goes as planned, your children will be begging “again!”

The first element is a rhyme or a song. Don’t make your educator perform a solo! Remember, she is the facilitator and you are your child’s partner. Sing or chant along so that your child can hear their favorite sound in the world: YOUR voice. Nothing makes them feel more loved or safe than you.

The next element is steady beat. This is crucial to early childhood development as well as early musical development. Learning to feel a steady beat lays the foundation for your child’s gross motor movements. It helps in smoothing their gait, making it easier for them to walk and run and jump with ease and confidence. It helps them organize and coordinate movements and develop coordination, which will benefit them when they learn to bounce and catch a ball.

It also helps with their pattern recognition, and in developing their auditory discrimination. This foundation will aid them as they learn to speak fluently and eventually read smoothly and with cadence. And of course this lays the groundwork for further musical skills, but in a developmentally appropriate way.

The next element of our lap bounce is, of course, the BOUNCE. This is the fun part. This is where you can play with up and down, side to side, wiggles, rocking, and always a big finish PLOP! 

Besides being fun, this motion stimulates your child’s proprioception. Also known as kinesthesia, this is the body’s ability to sense movement, action, and location. Simply put, it is your child’s awareness of where their body is in space, time, and in relationship to other people and objects.

It also develops your child’s vestibular system. This is their sense of balance and coordination. As the bounce sends their brain information about how their body is moving, it learns how to make compensatory movements. The brain then teaches the body how to regain balance, and as they do so they gain in muscle and core strength.

Who knew there was THAT much developmental work going on in such a little activity? 

But don’t forget that it’s also a great CONNECTION activity. All the lap bounces you learn in class are now in your parenting toolbox that you can use when you need to connect and play with your little one. After all, remember that children learn best through PLAY. So don’t forget to have fun with it!

Sing Away the Stress

Ahh, Springtime. It’s finally here! The forsythia and daffodils are blooming. The weather is maddeningly unpredictable. We’re shrugging off the winter blues and producing more Vitamin D. You’d think it would be all sunshine and flowers . . . but the modern parent knows better.

Spring also ushers in just the next busy phase of a parent’s life. You know what I’m talking about: Easter baskets, teacher appreciation week, planning your family’s summer schedule, supporting your students through standardized testing, finding the perfect Mother’s Day gift, getting the yard in order before the weeds take over . . . . All this on top of our regularly scheduled programming? It never ends.

Even here at Song of the Heart we’re feeling the crunch! We are continuing to provide you with stellar classroom experiences, but are also managing t-shirt orders and trying to provide you with your Heart’s Desire for classes next season. Lots of logistical things happening all. the. time.

So if you’re anything like us, you’re feeling a bit stressed. Well guess what? Kindermusik helps with that!

Did you know that music therapy studies with critically ill adults and children have shown that music can reduce stress, anxiety, and even physical pain by as much as 50%?


That’s right, every time you snuggle up for some musical cuddle time under the “stars”, your brain is getting a dose of oxytocin, the CONNECTION hormone. Every time you engage in creative movement around the room with your little one you are getting a shot of serotonin, the feel-good hormone. Every time you see your child make a friend, put away that scarf, or master a new movement, you are getting a shot of dopamine, the JOY hormone. Kindermusik brings it all!

Here’s some ideas to musically battle the stress and helps your kiddos cope too:

KEEP THOSE ROUTINES IN PLACE. Sing that bedtime song. Keep coming to your Kindermusik class. Children thrive on routine and feel safe with predictability. It gives them a sense of security.
THROW IN A DANCE PARTY. Turn on a family favorite tune and dance with your kiddos for 3 minutes. The blood will pump, bathing your brain in oxygen and oxytocin. Cortisol levels will dip. You’ll all feel refreshed.
I LOVE YOU RITUALS: Sing that Twinkle Twinkle ritual we’ve been working on all year. Use it at diaper changes. Use it at bathtime. Use it before mealtime. Use it at bedtime. Take the time to slow down, intentionally touch, make eye contact, be playful, and connect with your little one through a simple song.
USE YOUR KINDERMUSIK AT HOME MATERIALS. Maybe you use them regularly. Maybe you’ve never looked at them. Open up your Kindermusik account and see what golden nuggets are there. It only takes 5 minutes, but it is the perfect way to connect with your child and reinforce their musical learning at home.
STREAM YOUR FAVORITE KINDERMUSIK PLAYLIST IN YOUR CAR. By now you have the whole year’s worth of albums in your app’s library. Which was your child’s favorite? Turn it on while you run errands and let them jam out and relive their favorite Kindermusik unit. Or maybe put on a playlist of your favorite music and educate your kids on popular music from your generation.

We hope you can integrate music into your daily lives in a way that is fun, joyful, and stress free.

Mamma Mia!

Here we go again . . .

And once again we find ourselves pivoting to online school, mask mandates, and doing our best to protect our loved ones and our communities from this virus.

But we have what we didn’t have two years ago when this whole thing started: some hard-won experience. We know what we’re doing. We’ve been there, done that. We’ve had live virtual classes. We’ve learned how to efficiently clean instruments between classes. We adjust our classroom rituals to be more distanced. And your JOY Team is fully vaccinated and are PROS at teaching in masks.

We have another new thing that we didn’t have two years ago: many of YOU. We have so many new babies that have joined our music family. Babies born into a world and at a time not of their choosing. A time of division, of complication, and of confusion. And most importantly to a developing infant, a time lacking in social connection.

We know that healthy and loving connection is the most important part of a new child’s development. And while we know your children are getting all the love and connection from you at home, there’s just no substitute for the socialization that can come from seeing their peers and going out into the world.

Our Kindermusik classes and curriculum are designed specifically to optimize the growth and development of your child. And during these covid-times we have re-designed our studio protocols to ensure your family’s safety.

We are so honored that you continue to trust us with your children and thank you for being part of this studio family. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is upon us. This is the darkest day of the year. The day that we are farthest from the sun, and we have the least amount of sunlight. And now we experience a return of the sun, a little more light, day by day.

Symbolically, this is a time of sacred rest and reflection, before the awakening.

As you spend this time of year in reflection and preparation for the new year to come, what are you grateful for? What has challenged you? What do you hold dear? What do you want to preserve? What do you want to let go?

These questions of growth are personal, but also apply to what we wish for our children. As we raise these precious humans and prepare them for independence and adulthood, an investment in connection to them must be of the highest priority. What about your relationship with your child are you grateful for? How do they challenge you? What do you want to preserve in your relationship with them? What would you like to let go of?

Perhaps you’re grateful for the joyful way you interact with each other. Perhaps they challenge you with their intense needs that takes time away from your own needs. Maybe you want to preserve your bedtime routine of songs and books. Maybe you need to let go of the expectation that they’ll always listen and obey. Or perhaps it’s time to implement a renewed commitment to joyful connection with them. After all, connection breeds cooperation.

Whatever your goals for your child, Kindermusik at Song of the Heart can only assist them getting there. The growth and connection that happens here benefits every domain of your child’s development. The skills they (and you!) learn in class benefits them socially, academically, emotionally, physically, and more. We love being part of your child’s growth and development. We delight in watching them change and master new skills.

From your infants learning fine motor skills as they practice grasping a baby bell, to your school-aged child flexing their cognition skills as they master rhythmic dictation in our Young Child classes, every age of early childhood benefits from Kindermusik.

Enjoy these wintry days of rest, reflection, and rumination. After the holiday celebrations are over and done, we’ll be here. We’ll be ready to welcome your children back to our loving studio’s arms, to support them, and you, in the important work of joyful growth.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time . . .

. . . When we have our traditional Song of the Heart Winter Holiday class.

We’ve had fun ice skating on paper plates, playing our jingle bells, going on sleigh rides, spinning in dreidels, and creating snow storms. And when we say traditional, we mean traditional. We have one Song of the Heart Family that has been coming to our studio for 11 years. Four of their children have enjoyed our Sleigh Ride at the age of 2 years old. Unfortunately their oldest didn’t join our studio until he was 3, so he is not pictured here, but he still became a Kindermusik graduate! We simply LOVE being part of your children’s lives.

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