A Song in Your Heart

Summer Singing

We’re wrapping up our current units and all the special little extras we put in place during the summer season. We’ve been singing, playing, learning ukulele and drumming too. We’ve been pretending to be pirates or birds, and we’ve even … Continue reading

Steady Beat: Assess and Level Up

Last week we discussed why steady beat matters and the benefits it brings. We know that steady beat feeds into developmental milestones, but what about how it’s affecting your child? The next step is assessing competency and determining how to … Continue reading

Steady Beat: Why it Matters

You know that thing that makes you want to rock, sway, clap, or tap to the music? That’s STEADY BEAT – the ongoing, repetitive pulse that occurs in songs, chants, and rhymes. But it’s more than just an ideal skill … Continue reading

Summer Sounds – Active Listening

The school year has wound down. The pleasant days of summer are here. It is the perfect time for a special activity we like to call the Listening Walk. But first, an explanation about listening. In our classes we nearly … Continue reading

A Song a Day Keeps the Stress Away

Ahh, Summer. It’s almost here! The lilacs have faded and people are putting their gardens in. The weather is getting warmer and we’re producing more Vitamin D. We’re spending more time outdoors . . . finally. You’d think it would … Continue reading

The Things They’ve Learned

About this time of year the JOY Team starts seeing the real fruits of their labors. We witness amazing growth in your children from last September to this Spring. We reflect back on their beginnings and are blown away by … Continue reading

Little Learners STEP UP to Little Music Makers

Did you know that the Kindermusik curriculum is a whole child development and musical education program designed for children from birth to age 7? Why? Because music education researchers and neuromusicologists have discovered that the biggest bang for your buck … Continue reading

Studio Values: JOY!

Our studio values, the pillars upon which we do everything, are joy, connection, growth, family, and heart. Let’s talk about JOY! Our first studio value, this one comes so easily with children. Give a child a safe environment where they … Continue reading

Studio Values: Growth

Kindermusik is a process oriented curriculum. We are not against performance for children per se, but our pedagogical philosophy is that process is more important than performance, at least for young children. It’s like in schools, when teachers can teach … Continue reading

Studio Values: Family

Our studio values are the foundational pillars we have built this studio on. They are joy, connection, family, growth, and heart. Let’s talk about FAMILY. The family is the foundational unit of society. Without functional families we don’t have a functional society. Children rely … Continue reading