Fall Family Fun

We hope you enjoyed our not so scary Boo Bash this past week. It is one of our favorite weeks of the year, seeing you and your children dressed up in costumes and sharing in some musical play. Hopefully you saw our Instagram these past few days; it was filled with pictures of your adorable little ones enjoying class. Did you see your child there?

Hopefully you enjoyed the interruption to our usually scheduled stellar curriculum for a little seasonal fun. If you’d like to keep some seasonal musical experiences going there are so many resources for you! On the Kindermusik App (found in your App or Play store) you can log in and have access to the entire music library for your child’s level! Search by the theme “weather” and you’ll find songs such as Autumn Leaves and Leaves in the Wind. These songs easily lend themselves to delightful movement activities you can do at home. Just grab a couple of colored scraps of fabric or scarves as “leaves” and blow around your family room.

Check out this delightful video from Kindermusik International, which shows a simple and fun activity you can do at home with your little one. All you need is some contact paper, tissue paper, and a pair of scissors. Unleash your inner child, channel your former elementary school self, and make fall leaf sun catchers with your little one. Cover your window with color!

Lastly, go for a Listening Walk. Autumn is a great time for this activity. Put on a scarf and jacket, and head out into your neighborhood. Prompt your child to listen for sounds of fall. Can they hear wind rustling in the leaves? Can they hear the crunch of leaves beneath their feet? What else can they hear? Active listening like this benefits your child’s brain and boosts the neural pathways associated with attention and comprehension. Plus it’s fun!

We’ll make some more musical magic with you soon