Snow Day!

It has been a long time since we had a snow day here in the Salt Lake Valley. We Utahns typically handle snow just fine, thank you very much. Believe it or not, this if the first snow day that Song of the Heart Studios has had in its near 21 years of being open! That tracks right along with the news that it’s been about two decades since any of our school districts closed because of snow.

We are so sorry to have missed singing and playing with you and your little ones today, and we are sure there were many disappointed children when they found out that today wouldn’t be a Kindermusik day after all. So here’s some ideas to create that Kindermusik magic at home, while you’re stuck indoors and can’t get down your driveway.

  • Put on the Skater’s Waltz and grab some paper plates and “ice skate” around the kitchen.
  • Sing the perennial favorite “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and insert all sorts of snow themed actions such as: stomp in the snow, sled down the hill, skate on the pond, make a snowman, throw a snowball, blow on your hot chocolate, shovel the walk, etc.
  • Put on your current Kindermusik cd that you received at the beginning of your most recent unit, or grab an old favorite one, and dance around the house.
  • Log on to your account and spend some time poking around our Kindermusik Online materials. There are always quick, fun activities to do there!
  • Make snowman art with construction paper, white craft paint, and q-tips. Q-tips make a great tool for painting snow flurries all over your paper!

Stay safe and we’ll make music again with you soon!

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