Meet the JOY Team Part II

Ms Carol needs no introduction, as she is our esteemed Studio Director who began our beloved Song of the Heart Studio over 20 years ago in her family room! Her primary instrument is her voice, and she also plays the piano, the guitar, and the ukulele. Her favorite genre of music is choral music, with her favorite piece of all time the Duruflé Requiem. Did you know she sang with the Salt Lake Symphony Chorus for many years?

When asked what she loves most about teaching Kindermusik Ms Carol says “Absolutely everything! The joy that is felt, the connections that are made, the amazing growth that we see and the love that permeates it all. Kindermusik is magic!”

Her favorite part of a Kindermusik class is the hand stamp ritual at the end. Stamping her student’s hands at the end of each class gives her a chance to sing with every child (improving pitch matching!), to look them in the eye, hold their little hand, speak an encouraging word, and make sure they feel noticed, heard, and important. She strongly believes that every child needs to feel valued and validated for who they are. This special moment with each of them is a little point where time slows down and a precious connection is made.

She eats, breathes, and sleeps Kindermusik as she nurtures our studio, our team, our families, and other Kindermusik educators around the world. In her free time she loves to read, spend time at the family cabin, and travel. She recently went to Cuba!

Ms Maren is our newest educator. She joined the JOY team one year ago, as the teacher who works in our satellite studio in South Jordan, bringing Kindermusik to the families in that side of the valley. She originally began teaching Kindermusik more than a decade ago in her own home, but took several years off to focus on raising her little children. Now that her kids are a bit older, she has returned to her mission of educating other children through the power of music.

Ms Maren’s primary instrument is her voice and she also plays the piano. She has dabbled in the guitar and ukulele and would love one day to learn the pedal harp. Her favorite music is Romantic era French music. The soaring melodies of Debussy, Chopin, and Fauré always bring her a feeling of bliss.

What she loves most about teaching Kindermusik is seeing first-hand the power of music in a child’s development. To watch a child learn how to wait and anticipate and take turns and follow directions. To watch a child learn how to listen and express themselves creatively. To watch the bonding that occurs between children and caretakers. To watch a child learn how to find and use their voice.

What she loves most about a Kindermusik class is the Hello Song and opening ritual. It’s the moment when adults put distractions away and ready themselves for complete presence with their child, preparing themselves for joy and fun. It’s the moment when children anticipate the next step and their eyes light up with readiness and eagerness. It’s the moment that barriers melt away and a group of friends can have a shared experience. It’s simply beautiful.

When Ms Maren isn’t teaching Kindermusik, she is busy raising three little kids, hiking in National Parks, and playing with power tools in her woodshop.

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