A Song in Your Heart


Survival of the Nurtured

“We are not the survival of the fittest, we are the survival of the nurtured.” ~Louis Cozolino Did you just get chills? Read that again: “We are not survival of the fittest, we are the survival of the nurtured.” When

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Be a S.T.A.R!

“Be a star!” at Kindermusik means a very different thing than if you heard that phrase at a dance studio, or even a different type of music studio. Elsewhere that phrase might bring up imagery of stages, lights, sequins, practiced

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Mirror Neurons: Downloading Calm

Imagine this: you are sitting in a circle with a group of friends, family, or colleagues. One person is speaking, and everyone else is watching and listening. The speaker is caught mid-sentence with a yawn. Everyone observers the speaker yawning.

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Back to Basics

Ah, January. The magic of the holiday season is behind us. We have overdosed on fun and food, and on free-time and screen-time. Returning to the routines and schedules of work and school is both a relief and a shock

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Pajama Jam Time!

It’s that time of year again! The Christmas trees are being set up. The holiday lights are being lit. The carols have hit the radio. And we’re gearing up for the holidays. Every year at this time we have our

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