Back to Basics

Ah, January. The magic of the holiday season is behind us. We have overdosed on fun and food, and on free-time and screen-time. Returning to the routines and schedules of work and school is both a relief and a shock to our system. The re-entry to responsibility after time off can a difficult adjustment. Good thing we had all those routines in place beforehand! They are like gold to parents now as we struggle to get back to normal.

Combine the holiday hangover with the cold temperatures, dreary gray sky, limited outdoor time, and dark mornings, and you have a tough month to get through.

Luckily you have Kindermusik at Song of the Heart to help you through this transition!

Kindermusic classes are filled with familiar routines, and as we welcome you and your children back into our studios, we hope getting back to normal here with us feels good to your brain and body. As with any re-start after a break, there can be some bumps in the road. Don’t be surprised if your child has a hard time settling down in class, or things feel a bit chaotic for a while. Don’t get discouraged! Your child is transitioning back, and that will take some time. We are here to support you!

Here’s a reminder of a few things you can do to ease this transition and get the most out of your time in our studio:

1. Partner up. Focus on bonding with your child during your time together in class. Pay attention to what they are doing and follow their lead. They’ll feel supported and connected.

2. Move! Get up off the rug and dance with your child. Part of this is partnering and part of it is allowing the movers who need to move the time and space to do so. If your child gets up off the rug and needs to explore the room, that’s fine! Go with them. Bring them back when they’re ready.

3. Presence. Put that cell phone down and lose yourself in the silliness and joy of whatever activity is happening. Throw your inhibitions out the door and let your inner-child dance. Your child will feel the difference when you are experiencing class with them instead of just attending class with them.

4. Use those Kindermusik Online materials. With each new unit we push out to you online support materials that can take the Kindermusik experience from the studio and into your home. A dreary January afternoon is the perfect time to do a Kindermusik curriculum-related craft, dance, video, or activity. These resources are included with the cost of your monthly tuition and are a great way to transform your child’s screen time from one of disconnection to one of developmentally appropriate engagement and connection.

We are so glad to be back in the studio with you and your families this New Year!

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