Beat Back the Stress With a Sound Bath

We’ve been at this social isolation thing for well over a month now. Admittedly, those first couple of weeks were the hardest. No matter your circumstances, you have been affected by this crazy time we are living through. There have been enormous challenges to face as we’ve adapted to a new way of doing things, as we try to continue the learning at home for our children.

Whether it’s learning from home, working from home, lack of alone-time, too much alone-time, no more free time, too much free time, economic insecurity, technological issues, behavioral issues; you name it . . . it’s hard. We’re right there with you.

While the JOY Team at Song of the Heart Studios is absolutely devoted to the growth and development of your child, we care about YOU the caregiver as well. It’s like the old adage: “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” The primary caregiver of the family carries a heavy load. We want you to thrive too!

One of our favorite moments in our Little Learners classes is the cuddle time, or “music bath”. There’s something special about slowing down your body and listening to some beautiful, relaxing music, letting the sounds and melody wash over you. It is a proven fact that certain types of music can calm your nervous system, release feel-good hormones, and decrease stress. In fact, researchers at Stanford University have said that “listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication.”

Wow! Best of all, relaxing music doesn’t require a doctor’s visit or a prescription. So here’s a prescription from your JOY Team: find 5 minutes in your day when you can get away from everyone that you have to nurture, and give yourself a sound bath. Put on some earphones as you sit on the back porch. Or take some music with you while you take a bubble bath or long shower. Close your eyes and let a beautiful and relaxing song wash over you, calming your brain and body.

Don’t have 5 minutes? Don’t know what music to put on? Is just finding music too much work? Sometimes anything extra, even something relaxing and pleasurable, is too much work.

So how about this?

Take 3 minutes right now. Just 3 minutes and listen to this song. Click play then sit back exactly where you are close your eyes.

Don’t you feel better?

Wishing you well . . . .

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