A Place Where Hearts Sing…
“Kindermusik is on our lists of blessings! We have felt overwhelming love, acceptance, and so much support since coming to Song of the Heart. I have become a better parent, my children have made connections with others and felt accepted and loved, we have become more engaged with each other.” – McCall, Kindermusik mom
And Children Flourish…
Your baby will feel the steady beat. Your toddler will move to the tempo. Your preschooler will match pitch. Your Kindergartener will play the melody. Your family will feel the rhythm as you sing, learn, and play together. Connect with other families and discover how music makes great parenting easier in a studio that values joy, connection, growth and family. Enjoy a community where you and your child, from birth to age seven, will build your bond in a welcoming environment that develops the whole child through the most powerful learning tool on the planet — music!